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Past News Stories




A Ringtail Rescue

Read how Southwest Wildlife's emergency rescue team completed a very technical and dangerous rescue when two javelina got trapped in an old root cellar.

Saying goodbye to Evita, a memorial on one of Southwest Wildlife's sanctuary coyotes.

Peanut the coati was, like her name, a little nugget of sunshine at Southwest Wildlife. We adored her. What a privilege it is to work for these wild lives. Thank you to everyone who has taken this journey with us. Please contact a wildlife rehabilitator in your area as soon as possible if you ever come across a young wild animal. Wildlife belongs in the wild and rehabbers know best how to get them back there.

In late January, Phoenix police received a tip that someone listed a baby bengal tiger for sale on Facebook Marketplace for $25,000. Upon follow up, officers found the offer was legitimate - there was in fact a baby tiger in south Phoenix, alongside a baby alligator and several snapping turtles. Of course, it's illegal in Arizona (and most U.S. states) to privately own a tiger as a pet. Police arrested the man attempting the sale, and our friends at the Arizona Game & Fish Department knew just who to call to care for the tiger temporarily - Southwest Wildlife.

Enjoy this play-by-play of an extraordinary rescue effort on the part of Southwest Wildlife's incredible volunteers - all to save one little raccoon.

Truly, the stars had to align for Mexican gray wolves Melly and Moonlight to conceive and give birth. Read the story of two miracle pups' journey into the wild - adding numbers and genetic diversity to a critically endangered species.

Eight baby coyotes were found dehydrated, starving, and cold in a cardboard box within a dumpster. Who knows how they got there - speculating only makes us angry. Instead, let's focus on what we do know. The kindness, compassion, and care displayed by the person who found them and the person who rescued them.

In this blog post, find 5 simple, powerful actions you can take to help wildlife and the planet this Earth Day and beyond. Earth Day is every day - for all of us.

At Southwest Wildlife, we want to release every animal. Sometimes that isn't possible. In this sanctuary spotlight, learn why Rocket the Bobcat failed to pass the release test and how you can support him in his sanctuary home.

Tahoe the black bear has been living at Southwest Wildlife for quite some time now. Read this blog post for her story and join our Wild Family to support her ongoing care!

Two new wolves join the pack at Southwest Wildlife. It's truly a family affair! Meet them in this blog post and learn which famous Southwest wolf is their brother.

With votes from the community and a whole lot of faith, Diane Vaszily wins the 2021 Cox Conserves Heroes Award! That's $60,000 to save our wildlife, one life at a time.

Mesquite the coyote needed a quiet, peaceful "furrever" home. Thanks to generous donors like you, Southwest Wildlife was able to answer the call and provide Mesquite an isolated enclosure with minimal human contact, access to food, water, and medical care, surrounded by other special coyotes just like him.

A fourth baby bear arrives at Southwest Wildlife - the sanctuary is now positively bursting at the seams with bears.

Fun Fall Facts about the state of deer antlers in October!

Southwest Wildlife volunteer Diane Vaszily has been nominated for the 2021 Cox Conserves Heroes Award. She needs YOUR VOTE to win $60,000 to save our wildlife, one life at a time!

In September of 2021, Southwest Wildlife welcomed two wolves into the sanctuary as part of the Species Survival Program for the Mexican gray wolf. We proudly partner with the US Fish & Wildlife Service to conserve the future of this keystone species. Learn the history of F1217 and M1228 in this article!

When this coyote was in the wrong place at the wrong time, Arizona Department of Public Safety officers stepped up to the plate to save her life. In this blog post, you can read the story and watch a rescue video from the field!

This is one lucky fox. Read about the mess he got tangled in, and how with your help, he's untangled and healing up fast.

How much do you actually know about porcupines? With the arrival of a new rescue, SWCC is working to rehab and release this fella back to the wild.

Coyotes make great dads. Learn about one of our coyote foster dads in this special Father's Day blog post!

Javelinas - a.k.a. collared peccaries - live in groups. How do single javelina babies get rehabilitated and released? Check out this blog post for cuteness and more!

Do you know what coyote behaviors are considered "normal?" Check out this blog post for a downloadable infographic so you're better prepared to understand what the coyotes are up to in your neighborhood!

Rescuing domestic animals is definitely not something SWCC does everyday. But when there's a case of mistaken identity, our incredible wildlife rescue volunteers always rise to the occasion.

How much do you know about javelina? Check out this MYTHBUSTING article to compare fiction with fact, and learn how you can effectively co-exist with this cool southwestern mammal!

There's a lot of misinformation circulating about bobcats in the Sonoran desert and elsewhere. This blog post attempts to bust common bobcat myths and give practical advice on how to coexist with this magnificent desert feline.

There's a lot of misinformation circulating about coyotes in the Sonoran desert and elsewhere. This blog post attempts to bust common coyote myths and give practical advice on how to coexist with this magnificent desert canine.

PLEASE READ this update to our COVID-19 policies and procedures. Here is the notable difference:

All SWCC staff, volunteers, and guests must wear face masks correctly over their nose and mouth at all times. This includes children age 2 and older. Adults with kids aged 2-5 years must make a reasonable effort to assist the child with wearing a mask. Anyone not willing to comply with this policy will be asked to leave SWCC.

Thank you for all of your support during the pandemic. Thanks to your kindness and compassion, we are keeping our invaluable Animal Care and Clinic staff and volunteers healthy through this crisis so our animals will receive the daily care they need.

Do black bears hibernate? SWCC Trail Guides get this question a lot from tour guests. Check out this blog post to learn the differences between large mammal and small mammal hibernation behaviors, and check out an adorable picture of Heavenly the Black Bear lounging in his recycled fire hose hammock.

The results of the naming contest are in - meet Nocona, the newest lion to join the pride at SWCC. Read his story and the meaning of his name in this post!

The votes are in and our new 2-year-old mountain lion finally has a new name!

In late August of 2020, a 2-year-old male mountain lion arrived at SWCC to stay. Our social media followers had a lot of thoughtful, earnest questions about why a healthy mountain lion can't be released back into the wild. We consulted our animal care experts, and here's the low-down.

SWCC's mission is to rescue, rehabilitate, and release orphaned, injured, or displaced wildlife. Read about the planning and forethought that goes into the Third R: Release in this informative blog post.

Spring means baby animals - but remember to leave young wildlife alone

SWCC was the Front page article in April Frontdoors Magazine

We continue to serve our mission. Animal Care continues 24/7. Our veterinary hospital remains open for wildlife emergencies.

In an effort to avoid further spread of COVID-19 (the coronavirus) we are canceling all our regularly scheduled tours at the sanctuary, until further notice.  

Sorry - this event is canceled. Wednesday, March 18, 5-7 PM - Lessons learned about wildlife monitored by the McDowell Sonoran Conservancy and its partners

Treat your love to something wild for Valentine's Day!

You just never know what Santa will bring you! See the video!

Saturday, Dec. 21, 5-7 PM
A fun, family-friendly holiday event with the animals! REGISTER TODAY!

6TH ANNUAL HOWL-O-WEEN PARTY is Saturday, October 26!
Register online then come out, bring the kids and trick-or-treat around the sanctuary.

Separated from his family, he’s trying to be tough and scary to keep everyone away.  We know he’s just confused and afraid. 

How cute are these skunk siblings? 

Update on Bear Cubs

The 3 little ones are eating from dishes on their own so they won't need to be handled to be fed. That's an important milestone in their journey toward possible release.

Earth Day!

Every day is Earth Day! But today is a good day to celebrate everything the Earth shares with us.

Beaver Rescued From Canal

Look who showed up yesterday! This adult beaver was rescued from SRP's Grand Canal in Phoenix. There’s some food there, but it’s not an ideal spot at all. When people began to harass him it was time to intervene. We have a perfect release spot in mind for him where there are other beavers and no people. He’ll be ready to go very shortly!

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