Our newest young Mountain Lion finally has a name!
Say hello to NOCONA (the Comanche word for "Wanderer")
In August, we welcomed this new, 2-year-old mountain lion to our Sanctuary. Rescued by theArizona Game and Fish Department from a populated area north of Phoenix, Nocona has spent the last month adjusting to his new environment and to the mature male lions who are his new next-door neighbors.
We asked our followers on social media, and recipients of our weekly newsletters, to vote to give him a ney name - with their keyboards and their wallets. The response was overwhelming! The contest among 5 names, selected by a panel of judges, had a clear winner. And the nearly 1000 votes cast made a major contribution to his care and feeding at the same time.
Nocona was the winning name by a wide margin.
We are grateful to the nearly 200 generous friends of Southwest Wildlife who voted and contributed to this worthwhile cause. We hope to hold more naming contests in the future. New residents of our Sanctuary are not frequent - and some already come with names - but we hope even more of our friends and followers will join the vote in the next naming contest.