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Vote Diane for Cox Conserves Heroes 2021!

Southwest Wildlife volunteer Diane Vaszily surrounded by baby animals she's helped rescue, rehabilitate, and release

Southwest Wildlife is so proud to share that our dedicated Education volunteer Diane Vaszily has been nominated to win the Cox Conserves Heroes Award in 2021! Cox Enterprises and the Trust for Public Land partner to award environmental conservation nonprofits each year, and we need your help to win.

If you're lucky enough to have attended one of Diane's tours, you already know why she's won the nomination for the western U.S. Passionate trail guide, education innovator, emergency phone line operator and administrator extraordinaire - there's no task too big or too small for Diane. Her knowledge, passion, and dedication is contagious. Southwest is so grateful for her work in our community advancing our mission.

Speaking of community, Diane is quick to remind everyone she's only one out of over 100 volunteers who make Southwest Wildlife happen. Any one of them could have won the nomination, and Diane is honored to represent them this year. 

For just winning the western region nomination, Diane has received $10,000 to grant to Southwest Wildlife. She now has the opportunity to win an additional $50,000 to save our wildlife, one life at a time. But she can't do it without your help! Click the link below to cast your Vote for Diane!

Once you've voted, please share this email with your contacts list. You can also share our posts on social media or make posts of your own. Each person can vote once per email address from a unique IP address. (If you have a work email and a personal email,  you can vote using your personal email on your home network, and your work email on your company network if your workplace allows.)

Voting closes October 15, so cast your vote for Arizona's wildlife today!

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