Our Wildlife Sanctuary Animals
Welcome to Southwest Wildlife!
Sometimes, an animal that comes to Southwest Wildlife is non-releasable. This means that they cannot survive in the wild. Some of our sanctuary residents have injuries or disabilities that prevent them from being released. Others were kept as pets and never learned the wild skills necessary to live on their own. Some of our animals were found orphaned or abandoned - never able to learn how to hunt, survive, or fear humans from their wild parents. When this happens, animals can find a home for life at Southwest Wildlife Conservation Center.
In addition, Southwest Wildlife is a long-standing member of the Species Survival Plan (SSP) for the sub-species of the gray wolf, Mexican Gray Wolves. We have contributed to the preservation of this rare wolf by offering space at our sanctuary to care for part of the captive population. As a holding facility, Southwest Wildlife covers the entire expense of feeding and caring for these animals, with no contribution from either Federal or State agencies.
Between our sanctuary residents and Mexican Gray Wolves, Southwest Wildlife has approximately 70 animals on our tour route.
Want to come visit our animals and learn their stories? Book a tour or join us for a family day event. Learn more about wildlife residents at Southwest Wildlife by navigating through the species names on the left hand side of this page.

We offer Walk with Wildlife educational tours. Check our Events Calendar for dates and times! We look forward to seeing you!