Felix & Zia

Zia and Felix when they first arrived at 8 weeks old.
Zia and Felix are siblings found orphaned in the Santa Monica Mountains in the Simi Valley. California Fish and Game determined that their mother was a casualty of people using rodenticide. Fish and Game attempted to introduce this brother and sister duo to another mountain lion and her kittens, but unfortunately, she felt she had enough mouths to feed and was not looking to provide for two more.

Felix and Zia in their enclosure at 1 year old
Felix and Zia now share an enclosure with two other young mountain lions: Zuma (male) and Poppy (female). Their youthful, playful energy is infectious. They can often be seen climbing the trees in their enclosure, napping in the sunlight, or having a good ol' fashioned wrestling match.
Felix and Zia are not releasable and will live out their lives in our sanctuary.
Please, if you are looking for pest control methods, avoid poison and other indiscriminate methods. There's no way to guarantee the poison won't find its way to a majestic mother mountain lion like Felix and Zia's.
Your support of Felix and Zia will not only help them to live a healthy, happy life, but will support all the mountain lions who call Southwest Wildlife home.